If you hate Christians, I get it. Some of the worst, meanest, most judgmental people I know call themselves a “Christian”. And this really sucks.
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Why had God called me to something that I was not good at? After nearly two years, did anything I do actually have any value for the Kingdom of God? Did God call me to something just to completely fail at it?
Do I love God, or my own theological version of God?
Before I became a Christian, I could have cared less about reading a Bible verse or reading some theological quip from a pastor with “#BOOM” after it.
This past weekend (April 1, 2016), the movie “God’s Not Dead 2” came out. If I’m being honest, I have as much desire to see that as I do Batman v Superman, which is zero.
Noise. It seems like I can’t escape it. Even when I take my headphones out, I hear people laughing, people talking, people yelling, cars going by, construction happening, trains chiming, whistles blowing…noise.
“I’m kind of a big deal…people know me…I’m very important…” – Ron Burgundy