I'm such a morning person...except if I was a super hero my arch nemesis would be an alarm clock.
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18 year old Evan thought he was a hot stack of Pringles...
I love the show Seinfeld.
When I think about all of the ideas, music, movies, and books that are made that I know nothing about or haven’t learned about, I get stressed.
My drug habit might actually be healthier than you think.
Noise. It seems like I can’t escape it. Even when I take my headphones out, I hear people laughing, people talking, people yelling, cars going by, construction happening, trains chiming, whistles blowing…noise.
With dogs, you have to go on what seems like a bomb-squad job to find all the little gifts they left for you in your yard. With cats, you go to the litter-box. There you will find the poop you are seeking.
I believe that through studying our own social media "history", we can become better users of social media.
DJ $WÂGGŸ BĘÀTŻ is my dope DJ name.
Are you really good, or are you just saying that because it’s what you’re supposed to say?
If you're reading this, remember to have a sense of humor about how ridiculous we can be as Christians at times.
Contrary to popular belief, men feel complex emotions and feel deeply.
If you see me being prideful, punch me in the face (not literally, of course), in love.
“I’m kind of a big deal…people know me…I’m very important…” – Ron Burgundy
Today is your day to remember why you run through this world and live.
I once farted during communion.