Once upon a time I went to prom with my ex-girlfriend my senior year of high school.
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Funny Things
You finish the marathon, and you’re huffing and puffing. Immediately after, you feel a avalanche of emotions and thoughts
I was getting married, but I had to stop Kanye West from collaborating with Nike before I got married, because he was creating the worst looking snapbacks you could ever imagine.
These may not be well received by lovers of Shakespeare, but since when do they go to movies and not just watch live plays?
I've decided that every once in awhile on the blog I'll be sharing some drawings.
If anyone makes a slip-and-slide-type game with the name “Back-Sliding” now, I fully expect a cut of the profits.
I'm such a morning person...except if I was a super hero my arch nemesis would be an alarm clock.
My drug habit might actually be healthier than you think.
Winning isn’t everything, which is why you should humbly let me accept the title of winner.
With dogs, you have to go on what seems like a bomb-squad job to find all the little gifts they left for you in your yard. With cats, you go to the litter-box. There you will find the poop you are seeking.
I believe that through studying our own social media "history", we can become better users of social media.
DJ $WÂGGŸ BĘÀTŻ is my dope DJ name.
If you're reading this, remember to have a sense of humor about how ridiculous we can be as Christians at times.
I once farted during communion.