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I Hate Packing


I Hate Packing

I hate packing and recently got married & moved in with my wife. Enjoy this song I made about my disdain for packing.


Lessons in COVID-19: Part III - Community


Lessons in COVID-19: Part III - Community

I am 50-50 introvert-extrovert. If I have too much “people time”, I feel like I am going to die. If I have too much “alone time”, I feel like I am going to die. And lately, I have had tooooooooooooo much lonely time. I live alone in my apartment, and I don’t have a ton of friends up in The Great North™.


Lessons in COVID-19: Part II - Slowing Down


Lessons in COVID-19: Part II - Slowing Down

With COVID-19 has come a new found sense of slowness. Places are closed. Routines have been disrupted. There is less to “do” for many of us. It has really helped me reassess my busyness, and how I utilize my time. Is being “busy” really good?


Lessons in COVID-19: Part I - Lament


Lessons in COVID-19: Part I - Lament

As a Christian, I wish there was an easy answer to the great mystery of suffering. I wish and hope for a day where it would stop. But I’m not here to spread vapid platitudes, pretend I know all the answers, or dismiss hurt I’m seeing.


Looking for the Next Thing (An Ode to Enneagram 3’s)


Looking for the Next Thing (An Ode to Enneagram 3’s)

I wanted to write this as an ode to any fellow Enneagram 3’s who may be wrestling with thinking they are not good enough. An ode to those who are feeling restless. An ode to those who are feeling like they should be “doing more”. An ode to those who feel like “more should be happening” in their efforts.


Lessons in Loneliness


Lessons in Loneliness

I hate silence. I often run from it. I will put music on. Turn on Netflix. Play video games. Listen to podcasts. Anything to take away the eerie whisper of nothing. But over the course of the past 5 months, I haven’t been able to run from silence much.


Failure Isn’t Failing


Failure Isn’t Failing

Why had God called me to something that I was not good at? After nearly two years, did anything I do actually have any value for the Kingdom of God? Did God call me to something just to completely fail at it?


Kill the Ghost


Kill the Ghost

“Just remember, if you have a fat 13-year-old who has a bad haircut telling you that you’re worthless, remind him that he’s stupid, and that Fall Out Boy isn’t the epitome of music (no disrespect).”





I’m officially on the downward slope to being 30. Here's 30 things I want to do by the time I’m 30 years old, in no particular order.


Creativity Killer


Creativity Killer

I’m really good at is pushing my emotions down deep deep inside of myself and saying that everything’s fine, and I’m “great!” when internally I feel like (in the words of Michael Gary Scott), “it feels like somebody took my heart and dropped it into a bucket of boiling tears..."
