As of today (April 16, 2018), I am 26 years old. Every year I get older, it’s mostly seemed like a completely normal day. For some reason, however, this feels entirely different. The reason? I’m officially on the downward slope to being the dirty 30. With that in mind, I’ve decided to share a list of 30 things I want to do by the time I’m 30 years old, in no particular order.

  1. Finish my Screenplay
  2. Run Three Marathons
  3. Make more Content
  4. Go to Italy (for the art and eats)
  5. Dream More
  6. Be Less Self-Deprecating
  7. Deepen My Love for Jesus
  8. Sell More Stuff in my Store
  9. See Justin Timberlake in Concert (and have good seats)
  10. Do a Stand-Up Show (not just an open mic)
  11. Learn to Dance (like actual dancing not dad dancing [which I am a CHAMPION of—also this may or may not have been inspired by wanting to see JT])
  12. Build my Dream Desk
  13. Floss Daily
  14. Own an Espresso Machine (a good one)
  15. Be in the Best Shape of My Life
  16. Make Another Feeble Attempt to Grow a Beard
  17. Be the Best Uncle Who Ever Uncle-d
  18. Throw More Classy Parties
  19. Care Less About What Other People Think
  20. Finish my EP
  21. Know When to Rest
  22. Embrace Failure
  23. Take Another California Vacation
  24. Go Camping More
  25. See Kendrick Lamar in Concert (and have good seats)
  26. Get a Motorcycle
  27. Speak My Mind More
  28. Learn to Shred on My Guitar
  29. Acquire a Drum Set (literally one of my biggest regrets in life was selling my kit as a 15 year old boy. Pro-tip for the fellas, don’t sell your drums. Girls don’t think guitars are cooler, ya dingus.)
  30. Get Married(? I guess?)*

Here’s the thing about this list—there’s a good chance I won’t hit 100% on all of these goals. And that’s ok. 26 is going to be the year where I start leaning into failure, and learning that done is better than failing. Expect me to re-post this when I turn 30 to let y’all know how I did!

*currently taking applications. Woman must love Jesus, be cool, and be able to put up with my weirdness.
