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“Sorry I’m busy during lunch on Friday. Ah yes, I see here, Friday from noon to 1pm, find a place and cry.”
Deadlines are coming, and it’s just not “working” like you thought it would. Need help? Here’s some tips!
As we say goodbye to this decade, it’s time to acknowledge some great albums from 2019. Here are some of Evan’s top picks, in no particular order.
…if you want to get the summer look like me, just follow these 5 simple steps to Penn N Paper’s Tips of Beauty Greatness™
It’s 2019, but 2018 had some real “bangers” as the kids say. Here are some of my top pics, in no particular order.
I’m officially on the downward slope to being 30. Here's 30 things I want to do by the time I’m 30 years old, in no particular order.
Valentine's Day is coming and you're single. You might be a little cynical, whether it be a bad break-up, tired of being single, or a date flaking, Valentine's Day doesn't need to be full-on poopy tacos. With that in mind, here's 10 HOT ideas to make Valentine's Day awesome.
Maybe you missed out on some amazing music. If you did, look no further! Here is my list of my favorite albums of 2017.
Look for the tightness of jeans. The tighter the jeans, the closer to God, right? I’m pretty sure that that’s in 2 Zebacania or something….
I like dogs too. I’m an equal opportunity pet owner. However, cats are my favorite, and here are ten reasons why...
One con is "You Have to Admit that You Once Cried as a 16-year-old Boy Listening to Dashboard Confessional".
My friend once asked, “isn’t that your fifth cup?” kind of judgmentally.
You finish the marathon, and you’re huffing and puffing. Immediately after, you feel a avalanche of emotions and thoughts
If anyone makes a slip-and-slide-type game with the name “Back-Sliding” now, I fully expect a cut of the profits.
With dogs, you have to go on what seems like a bomb-squad job to find all the little gifts they left for you in your yard. With cats, you go to the litter-box. There you will find the poop you are seeking.