Creativity demands a significant of attention to detail, energy, and dedication. At times, this can becoming exhausting. Projects being to suffer, because you hit a snag. Deadlines are coming, and the work feels tired and it’s just not “working” like you thought it would. It starts to feel like anything you do just isn’t what you wanted it to be.
When the work comes to a screeching halt, don’t force it. Here’s a few catalysts that can help creativity:
I realize that this may not work if you’re in an office-setting, but go after work. Exercise is known to stimulate something called Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which encourages the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampus…research shows that the ability to imagine the future and to think creatively also depends on this region.)
Even if it’s after work, it’s a great way to reboot your mind and get back into a creative swing.
Listen to a Podcast
To get the ideas POPPIN, sometimes I’ll listen to podcasts. It helps expose you to new ideas, new ways of thinking, and what is going on in the world. This helps spur my creativity to new heights!
Some of my favorites include: The Penn N Paper Podcast (but I’m partial), Relevant Podcast, The Ron Burgundy Podcast, Building a Better Storyband, MEGA, The Red Couch Podcast, TED Radio Hour, and The Bible Project.
Grab Coffee
If you don’t know me, you might not know that I need normally 2 cups of coffee a day to be a fully functional human being, but coffee actually is known to give you [greater focus, increasing activity in the central nervous system, meaning alertness. This has been tested with subjects taking tests with coffee and without coffee, and coffee-drinkers generally scored better on tests.]
After you drink a cup (or maybe 12 who am I to judge), you’ll be making cool stuff in no time!
Find Inspiration (Goof on The Internet)
Sometimes you just feel WIPED on ideas. Something that’s always helpful, looking around for inspiration! Great websites to help with design would be Abduzeedo or Dribble.
Go take a look for awhile, and I guarantee you’ll find something that inspires you! This might help with direction, color ideas, or spark something for writing.
Watch a Film
To me, a good movie inspires me. The work of cinematography, color, acting, and a good story all coming together can give me goosebumps. Movies can be powerhouses of creativity and carry awesome messages. Watching a good movie inspires me to create experiences that wow others. Some recommendations from me would be: “Silence” (directed by Martin Scorsese), “500 Days of Summer”, “Anchorman”, “La La Land”, or whatever movie you really enjoy.
Hopefully now you’re on the road to an awesome finished product after reading this, you creative you! If you did any of the above tips and it helped your creativity, we would love to hear about it! Share this post with the hashtag #PNPcreativeTips and let us know what helped you!